Thank you for this beautiful offering, Brad. It contains wisdom in the light of love. Just yesterday, I was told by the godfather of my son that I would not be welcome in his home unless I was vaccinated. And it saddened me, until I realized that I needed to walk away. I did that, after offering love, and I could have done it better -- but it was a bit of an ambush, to be honest. All of the advice you give aligns the individual with the light of the creator. And you're walking the righteous path. I have no fear in saying it. I also have no fear of death. Because I love God. And the love of God lifts me up.

I see a future where humanity is actively healing the soul, and it requires us all to experience such restrictions that we turn to God, and find this is the only way to save ourselves.

All my best to you and yours.


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